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A Guideline to Local Action Plans on Prevention of CEFM

The United Nations Joint Programme for the Prevention of Child, Early, and Forced Marriage in Turkey, implemented by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), United Nations...

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Prevention of CEFM: A Guideline on Fundamentals

The United Nations Joint Programme for the Prevention of Child, Early, and Forced Marriage in Turkey, implemented by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Internationa...

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Legal Information Guideline on Prevention of CEFM

The United Nations Joint Programme for the Prevention of Child, Early, and Forced Marriage in Turkey, implemented by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Internationa...

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A Guideline for Law Enforcement Officials on Prevention of CEFM

The United Nations Joint Programme for the Prevention of Child, Early, and Forced Marriage in Turkey, implemented by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Internationa...

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A Guideline for Judicial Officials on Prevention of CEFM

The United Nations Joint Programme for the Prevention of Child, Early, and Forced Marriage in Turkey, implemented by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Internationa...

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Fact Sheet

Sexually Transmitted Infections

This brochure has been prepared in scope of the “Promoting Innovative Service Provision Models to Support the Covid-19 Health System Response” project implemented by Un...

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Fact Sheet

Postnatal Care

This brochure has been prepared in scope of the “Promoting Innovative Service Provision Models to Support the Covid-19 Health System Response” project implemented by Un...

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Fact Sheet

Violence Against Women

This brochure has been prepared in scope of the “Promoting Innovative Service Provision Models to Support the Covid-19 Health System Response” project implemented by Un...

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Fact Sheet

Contraceptive Methods

This brochure has been prepared in scope of the “Promoting Innovative Service Provision Models to Support the Covid-19 Health System Response” project implemented by Un...

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