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Bu projenin genel amacı, Türk toplumundaki namus anlayışının ve namus cinayeti dinamiklerinin anlaşılması, ve asıl hedef olarak, bu konudaki kapsamlı bir hareket programı için geri...

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Current Overview of Turkey’s Population

As of January 2016, the population of Turkey, defined by the number of people residing in Turkey, is approximately 78.7 million'. Including temporary residents, the population ...

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An Overview of Turkey's Young Population

A desk review was made in colloboration with Population Association and UNFPA Turkey on Turkey's young population.     

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State of World Population Report

State of World Population 2015

Shelter From the Storm: A transformative agenda for women and girls in a crisis-prone world

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State of World Population Report

Addressing the Needs of Women and Girls in Humanitarian Emergencies in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

A regional overview supplementing UNFPA’s State of World Population 2015

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Minimum Standards for Prevention and Response to Gender-based Violence in Emergencies

Practical guidance on how to mitigate and prevent gender-based violence in emergencies

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Women Friendly Cities Implementation Guideline

This publication has been prepared in scope of the Women Friendly Cities Program. The content of this publication is prepared based on the publications, studies and presentations p...

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Attitudes of Secondary and High School Students on Domestic Violence Against Women

Research on the Attitudes of Secondary and High School Students on Domestic Violence Against Women has been prepared by Population Association with the support of United Nations Po...

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Guideline for Shelter and Counseling Center Workers on Protection from Secondary Trauma and Burnout Syndrome

Guideline for Shelter and Counseling Center Workers on Protection from Secondary Trauma and Burnout Syndrome has been prepared in scope of the Women’s Shelters Project implem...

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