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UNFPA Türkiye en kırılgan mülteci ve göçmenleri yeni merkezleri ile desteklemeye devam ediyor

UNFPA Türkiye en kırılgan mülteci ve göçmenleri  yeni merkezleri ile desteklemeye devam ediyor


UNFPA Türkiye en kırılgan mülteci ve göçmenleri yeni merkezleri ile desteklemeye devam ediyor

calendar_today 22 December 2021

UNFPA Türkiye en kırılgan mülteci ve göçmenleri  yeni merkezleri ile desteklemeye devam ediyor
UNFPA Türkiye en kırılgan mülteci ve göçmenleri yeni merkezleri ile desteklemeye devam ediyor

Turkey today hosts the world's largest refugee and migrant population, with nearly 4 million refugees and migrants. While almost half of the 4 million immigrants and refugees are women, more than 1 million are young people between the ages of 15-30*. Migrant women and youth, who have difficulties in accessing rights and services in areas such as protection, health, education, employment and social cohesion, are among the most vulnerable groups in Turkey. The United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA Turkey, continues to work to increase the access of migrant women and youth to health and protection services with 2 new centers opened in Istanbul and Şanlıurfa.

Ankara, TURKEY - Nearly 4 million refugees and migrants, mostly women and youth, living in Turkey still have some difficulties in accessing health and protection services. With the financial support of the US Department of State's Population, Refugees and Migration Bureau (PRM), UNFPA Turkey aims to reach migrant women and youth through its new centers opened in Şanlıurfa and Istanbul and improve their access to rights and services. 

Şanlıurfa Health and Support Center for Migrant Women and Youth

Health and Support Center for Migrant Women and Youth was opened in December in cooperation with Şanlıurfa Metropolitan Municipality. In the center; An expert team of social workers, psychologists, nurses, translators and health intermediaries provides health and protection services to migrant and refugee women and youth. In this context, in the center;

  • Service, awareness and information activities on basic health, hygiene, women's health, adolescent health, sexual and reproductive health, family planning,
  • Information and prevention activities on gender-based violence and child, early and forced marriages,
  • Support in accessing needed services for victims of violence, 
  • Consultancy, information and awareness activities on social protection and legal issues,
  • Psychosocial support services,
  • Empowerment and social cohesion activities for women and youth,
  • Basic information and guidance on education, vocational training, employment, social assistance, health services and access to social services on various needed issues
  • External access studies by mobile vehicle to rural areas outside the center and
  • Support activities are carried out in the process of referral to relevant institutions for other necessary services.

Through these services, it is also aimed to increase the resilience of migrant women and youth, and to support their development in employment and social cohesion.

Women's Solidarity Center in Istanbul

In addition to the Health and Support Center for Migrant Women and Youth in Şanlıurfa, UNFPA Turkey opened a new Women's Solidarity Center in Istanbul in cooperation with the Refugees Association.

Merkezde, toplumsal cinsiyete dayalı şiddete maruz bırakılan mülteci ve göçmen kadınlara yönelik koruma ve sağlık hzimetleri sağlanıyor.

Hemşire, psikolog ve sosyal hizmet uzmanından oluşan bir ekip ile, toplumsal cinsiyete dayalı şiddetin önlenmesine yönelik bilgilendirme ve geçici konaklama dahil olmak üzere müdahale hizmetlerinin yanı sıra, cinsel sağlık ve üreme sağlığı ile aile planlaması konularında haklara ve hizmetlere erişimin artırılması için de destek veriliyor.

UNFPA Turkey continues to work all over Turkey, in cooperation with both international and local institutions and organizations, to reach especially women, girls and the most vulnerable groups, to increase their access to rights and services and to lead more equal, healthy and safe lives. Within the scope of the humanitarian aid program, together with these 2 centers, health and protection services are provided at 32 service delivery points in 12 provinces.



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