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Sexual and Reproductive Health & Combating Gender-Based Violence for Women and Girls with Disabilities

Girls and women with disabilities constitute a group that encounters more difficulties in obtaining access to age-adapted and reliable information and services with respect to repr...

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Technical Reports and Document

UNFPA Technical Guide: Older Persons and COVID19

UNFPA focuses on human rights, health and protection of older persons in light of COVID-19, and this document highlights relevant initiatives underway in offices worldwide. Respond...

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UNFPA Resource Pack: "Midwives – Celebrate. Demonstrate. Mobilize. Unite"

COVID 19 is likely to impact midwives and midwifery services as health resources get diverted and maternity units shut down. Midwives must show resilience, courage to continue to s...

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International Midwives Confederation (ICM) Advocacy Toolkit for Midwives

Globally, there is a lack of understanding about the importance of midwives in helping women to have a safe birth. In some countries, midwifery still struggles to achieve recogniti...

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UNFPA Technical Report: Women's Health & COVID19

COVID-19 pandemic severely threatens women's health as health systems become overloaded, facilities close or only provide a limited set of services to women and girls, and man...

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Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic UNFPA Global Response Plan

The COVID-19 pandemic constitutes the largest global public health crisis in a century, with daunting health and socioeconomic challenges. As the UN Secretary-General ' noted, this...

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UNFPA Brief Note: "Private Sector and COVID-19 - The Role of the Private Sector in the Pandemic Response"

Companies need to make radical changes in their approaches to business during COVID-19 outbreak. Applying working from home policy is the primary goal to ensure health and protecti...

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Technical Reports and Document

UNFPA Interim Report: Gender Equality, Violence and COVID19

Pandemics affect women and men differently. Women generate 70% of global healthcare workers. Although they are more likely to become the victims of systematic gender-base...

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Technical Reports and Document

UNFPA Interim Report: Adolescents and Youth & Coronavirus Disease

Young people exposed to COVID-19 are as likely as old people to become infected and contagious. Young people’s education has been severely impacted by the pandemic that may hu...

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